Ain't that always the way. I've been at the new job a week and I have a fellow in California literally hounding me about a contract in Mississauga. The job I just took could probably be sculpted into something more fitting and I could probably eke another $1000/mo. out of it in the process, but as it is I'm only making about 75% of my former wage and even if I do wrangle the extra $1000 I'm still making less that I was before.. I have the 60-minutes each way commute and the mandatory 60-minute lunch stealing 15-hours of my life each week, but I get to stay in Vancouver. On the flip side the work in Mississauga is exactly in my area of expertise and pays $2500/mo. more than the current job (which is slightly more than I was making before), would be a one-year contract-to-hire so I would be paying tax as a consultant, not an employee. Because I wouldn't be able to maintain a B.C. address at that time I'd have to scrap the B.C. incorporation and register in Ontario. A year at this and Elaine and I would definitely have the money to come back and open up a store, but would we be inclined to come back? Probably not. It's easier to do business in Toronto, and being withing a day's journey to New York and Montréal is pretty damned attractive. Gothic BC would die if we stayed, and the niche there is already filled with
www.toronto-goth.com /
www.torgoth.com so I probably wouldn't start something new. If we did just go for the year and come back I could probably string it along, as long as I could get picture submissions. But honestly, if I stay at this job it will probably slowly die as well thanks to the early mornings and the fifteen missing hours. One of my best friends lives in Toronto and I sure wouldn't mind hanging out with her and her husband. At the same time there are people here I'd hate to leave. Then again there are certain old hens here that have played the same game a few too many times I'd rather never see again. I'd feel bad about bailing on this job a week in, but should I really let that influence my decision? Bah. I hate this kind of decision.