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Here I am, brain the size of a planet...

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Testriffic IQ test

I question the accuracy of this result since I usually score about twenty points lower. Of course it is normal for a test as short as this one to be wildly inaccurate at the extreme ends of the scale. Not to mention it is probably skewed up to encourage the average idiot to gleefully give up their e-mail address and demographic information to a website whose only revenue model is advertising, and to willingly post links to drive in new traffic and increase the site's search-engine rankings.

Anyway, the Huge, Souless Banking Corporation's Festival of Light Dimwits from Surrey is over and most of them have found their way back to the SkyTrain (I wonder if the hooting and screeching is an aid to their navigation? They do it more at night - perhaps it is a bat-like form of echo-location...), so I'm off to bed.

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