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The Daily Colonist, October 1–31, 1915

#dailycolonist1915 #WWI - The news out of Victoria, British Columbia, 100 years ago:

Drug runners, whalers, pirates, propaganda, protests, Zeppelin attacks, giant telescopes, darkest Africa, Hallowe'en haunted houses, murder and atrocities are just a few of the things I've picked out from October 1915.

A line was crossed today: unbidden and without visible sign of injury, a courtesy seat was sacrificed to me on the #bus this morning.

The Daily Colonist, September 14–30, 1915

#dailycolonist1915 #WWI - The news our of Victoria, British Columbia, 100 years ago:

In this update: Zeppelins, conspiracy theory (1915 style), propaganda, genocide, fall fashions, exploration and discovery in the far north, a major allied offensive on the western front and more.


Got my vote on this morning, and have this song stuck in my head for some reason ;-)


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