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[Gothic BC] The Cure

On May 25 I was on Bad Vibes on CFRO (you can listen to it here.) Marc Godfrey and I were picking from a list of music that I brought with me depending on how the conversation went. I came armed with almost three hours of music for a one hour interview, with everything picked for a reason. This is the fourth in a series of posts where I run through those choices, including the ones that we didn't get to, and talk about why I picked them. 

In this post I'll cover the rest of the the Cure songs played and not played. But before I get started, I have one question. Is anyone reading these. Seriously. Comment here, like, +1 or comment on one of the automatic reposts, anything, because I really don't know what the fuck I am doing any of this (or anything at all) for. 

[Gothic BC] I Want To Be Old

On May 25 I was on Bad Vibes on CFRO (you can listen to it here.) Marc Godfrey and I were picking from a list of music that I brought with me depending on how the conversation went. I came armed with almost three hours of music for a one hour interview, with everything picked for a reason. This is the third in a series of posts where I run through those choices, including the ones that we didn't get to, and talk about why I picked them. 

[Gothic BC] Sheena's in a Goth Gang Now

On May 25 I was on Bad Vibes on CFRO (you can listen to it here.) Marc Godfrey and I were picking from a list of music that I brought with me depending on how the conversation went. I came armed with almost three hours of music for a one hour interview, with everything picked for a reason. This is the second in a series of posts where I run through those choices, including the ones that we didn't get to, and talk about why I picked them. 

The Age of Digital Reproduction

In case you don't already know, the title of this post is a reference to the 1936 article by Walter Benjamin, The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction. Call this an unfinished thought, a rant, a ramble, what have you. It's on my mind when I am making images and when I am intentionally not making images. 


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