Michael R. Barrick's blog
Tue, 2022/01/18 - 3:30am
The Star Trek Reader
James Blish, 1968-1969 & 1972
E. P. Dutton & Co., US, 1976 book club edition
Mon, 2022/01/17 - 9:30pm
The real 27 Wimpole Street, London
(Google Maps)
Who knows what movie I’m watching for the who-knows-how-manyᵗʰ time?
Mon, 2022/01/17 - 9:30am
ORBIT 10: An Anthology of New Science Fiction Stories
Edited by Damon Knight, 1972
G. P. Putnam’s Sons, US, 1972
Mon, 2022/01/17 - 6:30am
The 1988 Annual World’s Best SF
Edited by Donald A. Wollheim, 1988
DAW Books Inc., US, 1988
ex libris signature on first leaf: “Ralph F. Barrick”
Mon, 2022/01/17 - 3:30am
A Treasury of Great Science Fiction
Volume 2
Edited by Anthony Boucher, 1959
Doubleday & Co., US, 1959
Mon, 2022/01/17 - 12:30am
The Science Fiction Hall of Fame
Volume Two A
Edited by Ben Bova, 1973
Doubleday & Co., US, 1973
Sun, 2022/01/16 - 9:30pm
Have Space Suit - Will Travel
Robert A. Heinlein, 1958
Atheneum Books, US, reprint 1995
Thu, 2022/01/13 - 3:30am
History of the Motor Car
Marco Matteucci, 1970
Octopus Books, UK, 1975 reprint
printed in Italy
ex libris signature: “Ralph Barrick”
Thu, 2022/01/13 - 12:30am
A Pictorial Story of Railways
Editor: E. L. Cornwell, 1974
Hamlyn Publishing, UK, 1974
Printed in Italy
Wed, 2022/01/12 - 9:30pm
World Trade Center: The Giants That Defied the Sky
Peter Skinner, 2002
White Star, IT, 2002 updated edition