Michael R. Barrick's blog
Sat, 2001/04/21 - 11:09am
Fri, 2001/04/20 - 7:58pm
I did it again... got my ass out of the fire just in the nick of time. Here I was this afternoon wandering around the apartment looking for things to sell, wondering if Evilyn would be interested in buying the wonder wagon, and such things because I didn't have rent together. Then a small contact comes through and I will be getting exactly the amount I'm short by courier Monday!
Fri, 2001/04/20 - 12:17pm
Fri, 2001/04/20 - 10:53am
Another day, another interview. This one was a second, shortlist interview with the HSBC. It looks very much like I am going to get this one. Turns out their Notes development team lead knows a lot of the same people I do, particularly my two most important references, through the now defunct Pacific Northwest Notes user group. This definitely helps.
Thu, 2001/04/19 - 7:34pm
Or perhaps the Daleks... something like that anyway.
Thu, 2001/04/19 - 7:16pm
I have another interview with HSBC tomorrow morning. This time meeting with the MIS and head of their development division. This'll be the technical interview. I wonder what they will hit me with. Not that it matters. I'm good at what I do and it isn't hard to show that. Things continue to slide slowly forward...
Oringinal post: http://mbarrick.livejournal.com/9818.html
Thu, 2001/04/19 - 2:23pm
Hehe! I found my collection of comics clipped from various newspapers and magazines. I think I'll post them with my entries until I run out. There are a lot of them so that'll be long way off!
Here is the first. One of my all-time favourites (the link will open a new window).
Oringinal post: http://mbarrick.livejournal.com/9499.html
Thu, 2001/04/19 - 1:45pm
My NBC notes from basic training. |
I was scrounging around for an article I wanted to read and came across my old notebooks from basic training. I was, without a doubt, so not suited to being a soldier as these pages of my chemical warfare notes will attest.
Thu, 2001/04/19 - 1:06pm
Gee, looks like people who do what I do are having a tough time all over. I ain't surprised! Nonetheless I have another interview at HSBC tomorrow morning. I'll find out later today if it is simply a "meet the staff (so we can tell if they hate you)" second interview or whether they are going to table an offer.
Wed, 2001/04/18 - 1:30pm
Evilyn made me go to this site to do a name search for her since they only allow four searches (unless you delete the cookie!) so while I was at it I did myself: