Michael R. Barrick's blog
Thu, 2023/08/31 - 10:21pm
Tue, 2023/08/29 - 11:30pm
Whose idea was it to keep vicious predators in our homes?
via Instagram
Mon, 2023/08/28 - 7:56am
The five minutes in the morning when the sun actually comes into this wretched mid-century cavern
Sun, 2023/08/27 - 1:32pm
You know how getting folds in fabric to look right can be challenging? Try rumpled lace. Doing this without getting too tight and losing the freer, more painterly approach I've been cultivating is going to be interesting. I don't know of anyone that works with acrylics quite like this, so like most things I do, I'm out in left field, making shit up as I go.
Sat, 2023/08/26 - 4:07pm
And the scary part begins... I know this will strike a few people as odd, but the challenge here is not to go hyperreal.
Fri, 2023/08/25 - 11:10pm
Vidma is full of mistrust and hatred toward me
Fri, 2023/08/25 - 4:19pm
Goth corset-lacing skills FTW at work #CaroleItter @belkinartgallery
Thu, 2023/08/24 - 12:25am
I let this sit for over a week. I poked at it a little this evening mostly out of a kind of guilt over my energy having been used up elsewhere. I'm just about ready to fill in the lace Elizabethan collar.
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Wed, 2023/08/23 - 11:05pm