Michael R. Barrick's blog
Fri, 2003/01/17 - 3:49pm
I just spent the whole day trying to figure out a communications glitch between a WebSphere server and an iSeries server. In the end the system administrator and I accomplished absolutely nothing.
The very epitome of a "Salmon Day" (spent the whole day swimming upstream and got nowhere).
Wed, 2003/01/15 - 12:28pm
Wed, 2003/01/15 - 9:41am
I have no idea why, but tired as I was, I had insomnia last night. I didn't get to sleep until about an hour before my alarm was set to wake me up. My chances of getting anything useful done today are slim.
Oringinal post: http://mbarrick.livejournal.com/342929.html
Fri, 2003/01/10 - 4:59pm
Restoration of the building began in earnest this week. I've been waking up to the sounds of hammering and crashing as they gut the fire damaged apartments. The fourth floor is still off-limits, of course, but this morning when I went down into the basement to take out the garbage I discovered a few fragments of
Nick and
Sandi's old place down there:
Peices of Nick and Sandi's kitchen amongst other things...
Wed, 2003/01/08 - 12:22am