Michael R. Barrick's blog
Fri, 2003/08/22 - 12:49pm
Thu, 2003/08/21 - 7:33pm
Behold page one of the 8-page colour funnies from the November 14, 1942 Vancouver Daily Province!
Wed, 2003/08/20 - 10:46pm
Tue, 2003/08/19 - 1:38pm
Here are a some real satellite images showing just how much was really blacked out (as opposed to my
rendering from the other day).
Tue, 2003/08/19 - 12:42pm
Tue, 2003/08/19 - 12:29pm
Tue, 2003/08/19 - 12:28pm
Sat, 2003/08/16 - 3:16pm
A view of Mars shining through moonlit clouds.