Michael R. Barrick's blog
Thu, 2003/11/27 - 12:47pm
Tue, 2003/11/25 - 9:31am
If you aren't already, I'd suggest to you all to either disallow anonymous posting or at the very least screen all anonymous posts. This morning I got a spam anonymous comment. It read "I've added you to my friends list if you don't mind" with what appeared to be a link to a journal. The link went to a porn site.
To turn on screening:
Mon, 2003/11/24 - 12:33pm
Going to the washroom and discovering your fly is down and then wondering just how long it has been down. Did I walk to work like this? So far this morning I've had two meetings with senior V.P.'s. D'oh.
Oringinal post: http://mbarrick.livejournal.com/454939.html