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Michael R. Barrick's blog

Your Aura Colour is Indigo.

Random Fact

When I was nine, just for the hell of it, I wrote out every Roman numeral from one to three thousand.

Leaving Work with a Smile on my Face

Just before quitting time today I got a phone call from a concerned citizen about the Port Moody airport! Nearly three weeks after the fact and my April Fools gag got someone :-)

Oringinal post:

Convergence 13

I'm pleased that Portland won. Not as pleased as I would be if Seattle had won. It does, however, please me a great deal that Detroit was trounced to the tune of 4 votes to 1.

Oringinal post:

Plans for the Weekend

For the first time in years I have both Good Friday and Easter Monday off (union job). I intend to take my camera to Blender tonight. Considering I am normally confined to the photo area when I am at Club 23 West it will be fun to get pictures showing the space, although my heels are currently swiss cheese from new-shoe-itis, so I may not be inclined to be on them much.

Ode to <lj user="tharsis"> in Honour of his Birthday

His claws are long and his fangs are fearsome

— Even mighty squirrels won't come near him.

The survey says (and we agree)

That weiner dogs best let him be.


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