Michael R. Barrick's blog
Thu, 2006/10/19 - 12:42pm
Thu, 2006/10/19 - 10:04am
Mon, 2006/10/16 - 11:12pm
Sun, 2006/10/15 - 9:46pm
Tue, 2006/10/10 - 8:17pm
I had a photography gig in Port Moody tonight. The smart thing to do would have been to bring my camera with me to work, but nooooo... I had to forget about the gig until I was already at work. I had just enough time to bus home and bus back to Port Moody in time make my gig. Once I make it home again (I'm on the bus now) I will have travelled well over one hundred kilometers and spent over four hours on transit today. Guh. Me smrt.