Michael R. Barrick's blog
Mon, 2008/05/12 - 11:46pm
O.K., so I didn't get to posting pictures tonight, but I added a new feature to the photogallery!
Mon, 2008/04/28 - 10:53pm
Tue, 2008/04/22 - 10:30pm
When you spend a few thousand dollars on something and get told it will be delivered between 5 and 9 p.m. on a certain night is it unreasonable to expect it to actually bloody show up at that time? Or at least a phone call that there is problem?
I'm sorry Trish, I missed your dinner for nothing.
Tue, 2008/04/22 - 12:02am
Sat, 2008/04/12 - 12:47pm
Thu, 2008/04/10 - 1:23pm
For those of you that may be a little concerned about me since I haven't been answering e-mails, LJ comments, Facebook messages, et al, don't be. There were some problems at work on Tuesday that kept me at work until 10:30 p.m. or so. Last night I was assembling new furniture and fixing a problem with my server so Elaine could update her store remotely. Tonight I have a date. I'm also busy Friday night. Saturday I have more furniture to assemble, taxes to do, web updates for an old client, my usual Saturday photography gig, etc.