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Michael R. Barrick's blog

Why I Hate Salesweasels, Reason #432

20 minutes behind the curve and getting it wrong all the way...

I received this white-paper abstract on one of my tech mailing lists this morning:

Seattle Gothic

Fun. I usually don't get to see what happens to my stock pictures from iStock, but as random chance would have it evilyn13 pointed out this flyer for the Merc in :-)

Oringinal post:

Three day exstention for paid LJ users

If you have a paid account the above link will extend your account by three days in compensation for all the outages lately.

Oringinal post:

Operating Systems as Farm Equipment

For the purpose of this analogy I'm equating working on a corporate network with the task of plowing a field.

Windows - A tractor:

Does the job. Pretty much eveyone uses one. It breaks down from time to time, but because of it's ubiquity mechanics are easy to come by. Some tractors are better than others and every so often the manufacturer markets a real lemon. Fuel costs a fortune and the diesel you used to run your old tractor on is no good for your new gasoline-powered tractor so you are stuck with a useless tank of fuel behind the barn.

Startling Stories 1952

Illustration by Peter Poulton for "Proposal" by L. Sprague de Camp, Startling Stories, Novermber 1952.

[Gothic BC] DJ Casperella is OK

DJ Casperella has is home, safe and sound.

[Gothic BC] Casper is Missing

DJ Casperella has been missing since Saturday, August 1st.

UPDATE: Wednesday, August 5 - Casper is home safe.


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