Michael R. Barrick's blog
Mon, 2010/07/26 - 10:49pm
Elaine and I were just watching the first
Sex and the City movie and Elaine made a comment about how big "Big" looked.
"He's exactly the same size as me," I said, "Remember when I bid on his suit?"
"Oh, yeah, " she replied, "then she must be tiny,"
Fri, 2010/07/16 - 10:31pm
Fri, 2010/07/09 - 12:43pm
"New York style" = small, overpriced, and the kitchen is in the living room.
"open concept" = the kitchen is in the living room
"garden level" = basement
"no smoking" = landlord is too cheap to paint
"no pets" = landlord is too cheap to change carpets
"sub-penthouse" = nondescript apartment somewhere above the middle of a bee-hive tower
"large/spacious studio" = shoebox
"soundproof" = concrete walls/floors that transmit every pin-drop like someone is bowling in the next apartment
Thu, 2010/07/01 - 12:04pm
Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
Wed, 2010/06/30 - 1:47pm
As pertinent to the arbitrary detaining of protesters and bystanders last weekend in Toronto:
Wed, 2010/06/30 - 11:28am