Michael R. Barrick's blog
Mon, 2024/06/10 - 8:25am
You make coffee in the morning to help wake up. Let me tell you: having your espresso machine explode *will* help you wake up *quickly* (No harm, no foul. It was old. Replacement ordered.)
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Sun, 2024/06/09 - 3:37pm
Just in the moment I feel like I might be a better painter than I was thirty years ago. I still have no idea what I am doing or what I am doing it for—but that's generally applicable to my whole life. #WIP
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Sat, 2024/06/08 - 3:51pm
She only has one eye, but she has seen things that cannot be unseen.
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Sat, 2024/06/08 - 8:27am
I recently referred to this exact problem as my handicap. It's why I like working at a university with genuinely brilliant coworkers. I'm happier when I'm not the smartest person in the room. Unless everyone else in the room is a cat. That's fine.
https://ift.tt/qv1ep5F via Instagram
Wed, 2024/06/05 - 10:01am
Enjoying the five minutes in the morning when the sun shines in and I can pretend there is nothing I need to get done.
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Sat, 2024/06/01 - 10:00pm
Fri, 2024/05/31 - 7:04pm
Some things from the "What do you do at work?" file.
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Fri, 2024/05/31 - 5:28pm
WTF is an Instagram broadcast channel and how exactly is it different than posting reels or live video?
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Wed, 2024/05/29 - 4:40pm
Baroque frame attempt number one: total failure. This how we learn.
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