Michael R. Barrick's blog
Fri, 2015/02/27 - 11:07am
Right now the Latest Photos RSS Feed is picking up older photos an in turn feeding these out to our Google+ and Facebook pages. While this is an unexpected glitch from something really great and long overdue that I started working on, I'm not going to be doing anything about it. I'm looking at it as a "happy accident" ? la Bob Ross... enjoy the retrospective!
Thu, 2015/02/26 - 11:57am
#dailycolonist1915 - The news out of Victoria, British Columbia, 100 years ago:
- Saturday, February 20, 1915
- [On the build-up to WWII] Japanese territorial demands alarm the Chinese government.
- A couple of rental ads for homes in Victoria and farm-land in and around the area.
- Large, quarter-page ad for the first Victoria showing of the new Dodge Brothers motor car [1915 was the first year Dodge, founded in 1900 and up to this point just a parts manufacturer for other companies, made their own vehicle].