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"Where have you been?"

"Where have you been?" "These bowls are not going to fill themselves."
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I started at the beginning in 1963 and I have now made it to "my" doctor, #4 Tom Baker, that I...

I started at the beginning in 1963 and I have now made it to "my" doctor, #4 Tom Baker, that I remember from when I was young. I'm still on the first story arc and have yet to hit an episode I actually remember. 1975 is still a bit early. Two or three seasons and I should start hitting ones I remember.
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The new litter box enclosure is in service. For the moment the box inside is their old covered...

The new litter box enclosure is in service. For the moment the box inside is their old covered litter box with the top cut off, because this is already a lot of change. I plan to replace it in a week or two with a high-walled stainless steel box.
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The mystery project is complete: a ventilated litter box enclosure. The interior is coated with...

The mystery project is complete: a ventilated litter box enclosure. The interior is coated with waterproof sealant for cleaning and to prevent anything soaking into the wood. There is a flange opposite the fan for connecting a hose that will vent out the window.
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