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Two cats; three eyeballs; all teh quoots.

Two cats; three eyeballs; all teh quoots. #livingwithcats #cats

#TBT 1991

Pounds, shillings, pence #cat

Pounds, shillings, pence #cat

Because sometimes you have to do really silly things

Chief Petting Officer Vidma Georgia Jazzvinder Michaelsdottir, Chief Engineer of the Dread Zeppelin Tharsis, the one-eyed Queen of the Island of the Blind and Malenky Antonio Tharsis "Vertigatto" Michaelsson, the Baron von Miauzenkützen, Knight of the Purple Order, Captain White-Pants of the Dread-Zeppelin Tharsis of the Land of Tharsis, Defender of the End of the Earth.

Probably almost definitely not cursed

Probably almost definitely not cursed

Alien Reality Check

Just because one goof committed perjury in front of congressional committee means nothing. The "U" in UFO/UFA stands for "unidentified". It stops being unidentified when you know what it is. It's nothing new. The U.S. air force investigations into UFOs from 1954 to 1969, called Project BLUE BOOK, are all publicly available from, including the 700+ cases that actually remained unidentified. It's so fucking public that there has been more than one TV series about it and a shit-ton of documentaries.


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