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Further confiming my lack of confidence in banks

A pair of servers belonging to the Bank of Montreal that wound up in the public domain through a recycling program contained databases holding employee and possibly customer information, the bank confirmed Monday.


Elaine's uncle Herb from New York is coming to visit us in our apartment tomorrow!

Oringinal post:

Ugh. Big guy carry heavy things long way.

I bought new speakers at Pacific Centre today and carried them home. Full size, floor stand speakers in boxes. The boxes are 87cm x 27cm x 37cm and about 15 Kg each. Yes, I am an idiot.

Oringinal post:

Palm Reading Results

You have a good imagination, and often exhibit sensitivity to others.

You may have trouble concentrating or focusing your attention, especially under stress.

At times, you may tend to be overly sensitive to criticism. You can be excessively cautious or narrow in your outlook unless you receive the right kind of encouragement.


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