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[Gothic BC] Important changes to the list

The GothicBC YahooGroup's days are numbered. This is a good thing.

When the Gothic BC group was set up in November 2000 it was on a service called eGroups, which even longer ago used to be called OneList. OneList/eGroups were relatively ad-free and quite friendly to use. Then Yahoo bought them around about September 2001. People were not happy. There was much confusion about converting accounts to Yahoo, and the advertising became much more intrusive. Since then it's only gotten worse with more ads and features being revoked.

Repost from November 11, 2001

Lest Ye Forget

Those who do not remember the past are doomed to repeat it.

--George Santayana

A Puzzle for Vegetarians

Are you a vegetarian who eats leavened bread? Yeast is an animal - so I presume that because yeast has no brain, no nervous system, and no means of feeling pain it's O.K.

Now, second phase of the puzzle: do/would you also eat/smoke hot-house/hydroponically grown plants so long as pesticides weren't used (bearing in mind that the chemical nutrients supplied in the water are artifically produced)?

If you said yes to both of the above, then would you eat



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