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LJ cuts

The issue of LJ-cuts came up in one of my communities and I bothered to explain to someone why they are good manners. Here is a generalized version of that post that I wholly encourage anyone to use in defense of using the cut. Consider the following text completely public domain, use freely and without attribution.

Begin public domain

Lya De Putti

I was looking at this morning and noticed something:

Vintage Valerian

A photoshop-aged picture of Elaine from a digital photo I took last Hallowe'en at Sanctuary.

Unclear on the concept.

I am fed up. Correct me if I am wrong, but isn't the idea of painting something to make it look better? I just went out on the balcony to have a look at the paint job the guy did Monday on the door and window trim. It looks like utter crap. In fact it looks worse than it did before they painted. None of the holes are filled, none of the nails sticking out were pulled. I couldn't see any of this until now because they also put another coat of deck paint on the balcony and it wasn't dry enough to walk on until now. Fuck. I knew I should have sanded the wood and filled the holes myself. Then I wouldn't have ended up with

Back to the Fire

They are removing the rest of the fire-escape today, as you can see here:


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