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Distance Education (Stereo #8)

That distance-ed photography class at Hogwarts is paying off...

I Don't Think I'll be Going Dancing Tonight

My shoes died last weekend. Sunday I bought some new ones, which while very nice, are made a thick, hard leather. After suffering four days of breaking them in I decided I needed a "break" and bought another pair to a least torment my feet in a slightly different place. Now my feet are truly a mess. Beware

Return of Reptard!

Apparently local goths are messing with the sun, causing blackouts and hacking Purple's hard-drive. Everyone knows how much Goths hate the sun and that we prefer candles to electric lights...

This is touching

From the official Empire State Building website:

King Kong's Beauty Dies

We are saddened by the passing of Fay Wray, a wonderful actress and dear friend of the Empire State Building.

Looting Anyone?

At this point I'm pretty sure there is no one minding Surrey.

Oringinal post:


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