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I have to go to Vernon today. The only plus side is the start-time of the meeting got moved late enough in the day that I didn't have to fly out yesterday. Only two months left to this crappy job...

Oringinal post:

Simplicity and Complexity

It's always an exercise in self-discipline to return to the "day job" after a long weekend. That I didn't quite accomplish as much across the long weekend as I had wanted to doesn't help much. I had intended to get a new painting started but woke up Friday morning with the tendonitis in my right arm screaming bloody murder.

Seeing Things Differently

You'd think that with the new camera, my old one wouldn't be that useful anymore. Not so! I made a slight modification to it today and now it sees infra-red light:

Sometime the Ordinary Can Be Remarkable

I have an old sewing machine. It is in excellent shape and I have all the orignal acessories that came with it - including the receipt from Eaton's, dated 1964 (the machine is older than I am). Last night, while repairing a pair of pants the light bulb that illuminates the needle burnt out. An ordinary event.

Life Downtown

Where just looking out the window is entertaining:

[ ] Accept Meeting [X] Decline with Comments

I got asked today "if it would be a problem" to fly to Vernon for a software demo. Yes, it is a fucking problem. Spending eight hours of my life travelling on wingèd tin-cans one step removed from Mexican buses with with old-women holding chickens sitting in the back, just to attend a four-hour demo for software I don't give a shit about? I think not.


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