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City of the Future

Three more from the City of the Future:

Disappointing Holiday

There is nothing quite as annoying as wasting holiday time being sick. On the plus side, my karmic debt for taking sick days when I wasn't sick is now paid.

Oringinal post:

My Horoscope for Today

Find something that keeps you interested, mind, body and soul. Does this mean that it's time for a change of professions, or just a change of attitude? Hmmm. Maybe it's actually time for both. Start exploring your options.

Both. Definitely.

Graphic and Disturbing!

Those of you that know me know that I am not usually one to get up in arms about most animal rights issues. Nonetheless, I just came across what may be the most disturbing picture of the cruelty innocent puppies are subjected to in Asia:

The [infra] Red Chair

Just for fun I tried making a few images with the IR camera during the kick-off of the Red Chair Project. Here are some of the results (which I am quite pleased with; I'll be doing more of these).


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