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Polaroid Fun

I did a shoot with Gaby dB. yesterday for Elaine's store. During the shoot, for fun, I also made a few images with my circa 1971-76 Model 440 Polaroid Land Camera. The signatures on these images has been added with Photoshop, otherwise these are just scanned, straightened, and resized.

I Need Your Awesome Hair!

I'm looking for some volunteers for a photo shoot in the afternoon (2 - 4 pm) of Saturday, April 25th. I need a total of 7 people. I currently have two, maybe three. Here's the criteria:

Why I Like LAMP - Upgrading a Webserver

It was time to do an OS upgrade on a webserver I maintain that hosts a couple of reasonably active sites. The two most active sites on the server bring in about 12,000 unique visitors a month, with the two serving up about 4 million hits. Of course this is small potatoes compared to the really big boys, but between the two of them it is pretty much given that there is somebody hitting the server at any given moment and the demographics are such that there is really no reasonable time for the server to be down for any length of time.

A Small Victory

After a number of disappointing rejections for noise, JPEG artifacts, and model releases that didn't meet their legal standards I finally got my first acceptance notice from iStock this evening.

Behold iStock image id 8949876, "Black candlestick phone with metal dial":


Summary of Qualifications
15 years professional experience in computer technology, with particular emphasis on communication, collaboration and web technologies ● Exceptional English language skills ● Experienced Systems Administrator and IT Manager ● Project management and development skills ● Demonstrated experience in successfully planning, organizing and leading within deadlines and under budget ● Graphic design skills ● Creative problem solver and both a critical and lateral thinker

Large Scale Scanning

Here's a question for my Vancouver friends: anyone ever had any large-scale scanning done locally? If so what did it cost? I'm thinking of having some of my canvasses scanned so I have better records of them and files more suitable for making prints from. I know Pac Blue does this sort of thing, but have no idea what it costs.

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