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Making One Picture from Two Exposures

Above are two exposures of my friend Isaac, a.k.a. DJ Pandemonium, doing his thing at 560 Club last month, shot by another friend and fellow photographer, Michael Dicus.

The first exposure, with no flash, the lights on the DJ decks and in the background look great, but we can't see Isaac at all. In the second one, with the flash, Isaac is well exposed, but we lose all the interesting stuff around him.

Michael was kind enough to upload these shots to my website, Gothic BC and I wanted something for the opening shot of the gallery for the night and decided an combination of these two shots would work. Enter the magic of Photoshop.

Today's Tweets

20:04:24  —  - Riddle me this: The Blackhawks have more players from BC than the Canucks, so who is the "home" team? Professional sport = meaningless.

You can find me as MichaelBarrick on Twitter.

Oringinal post:

Today's Deviations

Space Tourist

Model/MUA: Euvie I.

Clothes: STARFRUKT Wearables

Background: NASA (1962 lunar lander concept)


You can find me as atratus on deviantART.

Today's Tweets

10:21:49  —  - Rabbits, rabbits!

You can find me as MichaelBarrick on Twitter.

Oringinal post:

[Gothic BC] Refreshing the Image Database

I'm refreshing the entire image database for the photo gallery. While this is going on there will be missing images in the gallery and the site will be slower than usual. Everything will gradually reappear, but it will take the better part of this weekend to finish.


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