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I don't completely hate it at the moment, although it's in a state that looks strange because you...

I don't completely hate it at the moment, although it's in a state that looks strange because you can't know what's in my head for building this up. It'll make sense when it all comes together and the timelapse is ready. I've been busier than usual with other things so progress on this has been extra slow, but I'm not on anyone's schedule to finish this but my own. via Instagram

That awkward moment when you are skimming though stuff you already know in a required course on...

That awkward moment when you are skimming though stuff you already know in a required course on land acknowledgements and find you are the poster boy for reflection on Indigenous connections. via Instagram

The first few months of her life were wild and rough and left their mark. Now her only fears are...

The first few months of her life were wild and rough and left their mark. Now her only fears are the vacuum, the vet, and the exposed bottom of the kibble bowl. via Instagram

PSA: This is why you don't fuскing let your fuскing cat outside. I just took these on Main Mall...

PSA: This is why you don't fuскing let your fuскing cat outside. I just took these on Main Mall in front of the gallery. That's a well-groomed munchkin cat in the coyote's mouth. It's not a Disney movie out there. Nature is brutal and hungry. via Instagram

Books and cats

Light coming through the lace curtains onto paintings. It only lasted for a couple of minutes at a...

Light coming through the lace curtains onto paintings. It only lasted for a couple of minutes at a time before I'm usually up and I almost missed it. Saving as the beginning of an idea I might come back to. via Instagram


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