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The Daily Colonist, September 13, 1914

News out of Victoria, British Columbia, 100 years ago today.

The war reporting is frustratingly vague again: an advance here, a retreat there, nothing substantial and all of it happening on an abstract, unimaginable scale. German news reporting is lampooned as ridiculous propaganda and the Germans are made out to be callous villains while the Austrians are cowards.

• Aerial battle over France
• Canadian troops to be deployed
• New moon discovered around Jupiter
• and more...

The Daily Colonist, September 12, 1914

News out of Victoria, British Columbia, 100 years ago today.

Once again the news from the Western and Russian fronts is sweeping in scope, vague, and doesn't really say anything. Topics I've picked out today include:
• censorship
• suspicious activity in Calgary
• Deepest, darkest Africa
• and some local interest and beautiful illustrations.

The Daily Colonist, September 11, 1914

News out of Victoria, British Columbia, 100 years ago today.

More of the same in Europe. A Belgian town recovered, German losses and advances in France, Russian advances, it is hard to keep track of what's going on.

• Fighting in Africa
• The world "attrition" appears for the first time that I've noticed
• Saskatchewan brings a knife to the gun-fight
• An editorial about the scale of the war
• Germans and Austro-Hungarians are ordered to register in Victoria.
• The White Star Line H.M.S. Oceanic is wrecked

The Daily Colonist, September 10, 1914

News out of Victoria, British Columbia, 100 years ago today.

News from the front is pretty sparse today. Fighting on the Western Front is spread over a large area with no notable developments. What's remarkable about today's paper requires taking the blinders off and reading with 21st century hindsight. Colonialism, nationalism and racism are assumed truths in 1914. Sometimes it is just a vague, permeating force, and sometimes it is so blatant and bizarrely casual that it is stunning that anyone ever thought this way (but then it only takes reading a few YouTube comments to realize maybe not so much has changed.)
• The beginnings of the Ukrainian Internment
• Paranoia over "Asiatic" immigration and other casual colonial racism
• Weird local news...

The Daily Colonist, September 9, 1914

News out of Victoria, British Columbia, 100 years ago today.

There is a lot of the "usual" vague stories of troop movements and lists of casualties, lacking in detail because of censorship. The propaganda aimed to incense Americans seems to be over for now, although there is one, one paragraph story stating nothing more than the Kaiser has sent a letter to President Wilson without any mention of what might be in the letter.
• More intimations that it will be a long war of attrition
• Vancouver calls for coastal defences
• Interesting ads, and more...

Opening and Installation Shots from Rodney Graham

Opening and installation shots from "Rodney Graham: Torqued Chandelier Release and Other Works"

The Daily Colonist, September 8, 1914

News out of Victoria, British Columbia, 100 years ago today.

• Germans are approaching Paris. A map of Paris is printed on the front page.
• Funding for the Canadian Northern Railway is secured, despite fears that funds might be withheld because of the war
• Germans sink a British ship, killing 242 men.
• A British submarine sinks ships in Bremerhaven Harbour
• The Komagata Maru arrives in Yokohama...

The Daily Colonist, September 6, 1914

News out of Victoria, British Columbia, 100 years ago today. A slow news day, but as it is the Sunday edition with the magazine section there are still a lot of interesting things. This post also features several lovely illustrations that ran with the ads in the paper.

The Daily Colonist, September 5, 1914

News out of Victoria, British Columbia, 100 years ago today, including a new angle on the vilification of the Germans, contributions for B.C. to the war effort, and more...


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