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The Daily Colonist, April 20-26, 1915

#dailycolonist1915 - The news out of Victoria, British Columbia, 100 years ago:

[A lot of what happens, or is about to happen this week one hundred years ago has been in the news in the present. The first major gas attack by the Germans at Ypres, which distinguishes the Canadians involved, happens. On the 25th is the attack on Gallipoli that is remembered as ANZAC Day in Australia and New Zealand happens. Of course the results of the battle won't be in the paper until next week, but the build-up is ominous—it's very clear the Empire knew they were throwing the colonials in the meat-grinder. Also not in the paper is the start of the Armenian genocide by the Ottoman Empire. There is also a hint of the Arab Revolt that will eventually be led by T. E. Lawrence. A very interesting week...]

The Daily Colonist, April 13-19, 1915

#dailycolonist1915 - The news out of Victoria, British Columbia, 100 years ago:

The Daily Colonist, April 6-12, 1915

#dailycolonist1915 - News out of Victoria, British Columbia, 100 years ago:

The general buzz this week is on Russian advances in the Carpathian Mountains. The articles are all short on specifics, even in comparison to the heavily censored news from the Western Front, as all the news from the Eastern European theatre seem to be, so none of them were really worth "clipping". Suffice to say that the Russians have advanced through at least two Carpathian passes into Hungarian territory. The more interesting articles and advertisements from this week follow:

The Daily Colonist, March 30-April 5, 1915

#dailycolonist1915 - The news out of Victoria, British Columbia, 100 years ago:

Stories of German submarines sinking British merchant ships without allowing the crews and passengers to get to lifeboats dominate the paper this week. I've only made a couple of small selections on this subject to get at the gist of it, but it is a big deal nonetheless, and a very important milestone in the shift from ancient warfare to the brutal nature of modern warfare.

The Daily Colonist, March 20-29, 1915

#dailycolonist1915 - News out of Victoria, British Columbia, 100 years ago:

The Daily Colonist, March 9-19, 1915

#dailycolonist1915 - The news out of Victoria, British Columbia, 100 years ago.

I've been busy with some other projects so while I try to keep things under a week at a time, this update covers 10 days. In general the war in Europe is unchanged on both fronts. The first Canadian contingent is in combat and there are stories from the front. A combined Anglo-French fleet is making its way up the Dardanelles toward Constantinople (Istanbul). The Mexican civil war is still going without any big news.

One article this week is particularly interesting from today's context: a story on an "Armed Secret Society of Foreigners" operating in Ontario.

[Gothic BC] Big Site Update - Prints Now Available!

I'm very pleased to announce the long overdue return of being able to order prints of your pictures here on Gothic BC with prints starting at $1.65 for a 4" ? 6" print. 

[Gothic BC] A contest at Gothic BC

While I've done some fun promos before, like one for the Royal Winnipeg Ballet production of Dracula and the Vancouver movie premier of Sweeney Todd I think this might be Gothic BC's first concert-ticket giveaway, which makes it kind of exciting...

[ Reposted from my blog on Gothic BC #GothicBC ]

The Daily Colonist, February 27-March 8, 1915

#dailycolonist1915 - The news out of Victoria, British Columbia, 100 years ago:


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