The Daily Colonist, September 14–30, 1915
Sun, 2015/11/01 - 5:11pm
« previous next »#dailycolonist1915 #WWI - The news our of Victoria, British Columbia, 100 years ago:
In this update: Zeppelins, conspiracy theory (1915 style), propaganda, genocide, fall fashions, exploration and discovery in the far north, a major allied offensive on the western front and more.
- Tuesday, September 14, 1915
- More Zeppelin raids on the east coast of England over the weekend. The London Globe newspaper calls for 12-fold retaliation and financial remuneration.

- A German-American association meets in Philadelphia and accuses the British Empire of carrying out a conspiracy to undermine American commerce and control world trade.

- Wednesday, September 15, 1915
- The American ambassador to the Ottoman Empire call on the United States to take Armenian refugees. The article goes on to say that the Ottoman Empire is committed to annihilating all non-Muslims and insinuates that Ottoman attacks on Christians is the fault of Germany.

- An ad for new fall hats in the latest styles of New York and Paris.

- Thursday, September 16, 1915
- The Governor General, H.R.H. The Duke of Connaught visits British Columbia to do troop inspections, starting in Vernon.

- Friday, September 17, 1915
- The editorial page summary for the 413th day of the war.

- Saturday, September 18, 1915
- A large front page picture from the Victoria leg of the Governor General's inspection tour.

- A map showing the current state of the Gallipoli offensive.

- Sunday, September 19, 1915
- Canadian explorer Vilhjalmar Stefansson discovers new land in the far north [either what are now named Brock Island or MacKenzie King Island.] It's not known if the new land is an island or the souther fringe of an Arctic continent [which is a reminder that in 1915 there were still blank spaces on the map.]

- Monday, September 20, 1915
- Tuesday, September 21, 1915
- An article describing the fighting in Gallipoli, "the dead lay so thick that a temporary armistice became imperative."

- Wednesday, September 22, 1915
- An ad for a "Scientific and Practical Demonstration" of corsets.

- Thursday, September 23, 1915
- A bizarrely drawn ad for Bovril.

- Friday, September 24, 1915
- Speculation over which side Bulgaria will take in the war, including the difficult position of the Czar of Bulgaria and his familial relationship to the royal families on both sides of the war.

- Saturday, September 25, 1915
- A really weird ad for Kellog's Corn Flakes suggesting filling a cantaloupe with dry Corn Flakes for breakfast.

- Sunday, September 26, 1915
- Allied troops start a massive offensive along a long stretch of the western front. The front page features a large photo of the commanders of the French and British armies.

- Monday, September 27, 1915
- A special extra addition with the huge headline "ALLIES TAKE 20,000 GERMAN PRISONERS" and several articles on the fighting over the weekend.

- Tuesday, September 28, 1915
- More details on the fighting over the weekend.

- Wednesday, September 29, 1915
- A Glasgow bagpipe manufacturer credits the war with a huge surge in the popularity of the instrument.

- Thursday, September 30, 1915
- New Orleans is hit with the worst hurricane in its history. Broken levees and storm surge have flooded many suburbs, there is no train service because of washed-out tracks, electricity is out to the entire city, and telephone and telegraph communications with the city have been completely lost [rememebr all this is 90 years before Katrina, lessons learned: apparently none.]

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