The Daily Colonist, July 8–12, 1915
Thu, 2015/08/06 - 10:43am
« previous next »#dailycolonist1915 - The news out of Victoria, British Columbia, 100 years ago:
There are several interesting things this week including, terrorists in New York, a renewed German offensive, the fall of German Southwest Africa, the reply to the American note on the sinking of the Lusitania and the expansion of Canadian forces as the casualty list rises.
- Thursday, July 8, 1915
- Three steamships, two of which were British, dispatched from New York were found to have arrived in Britain with unexploded bombs aboard. The bombs were put on board while the ships were in New York.

- Several reports [I've only reproduced one] of the Germans transporting wounded out of Belgium and bringing in large numbers of fresh troops, mostly new recruits, in a build up for a renewed attempt to take Calais. There are conflicting reports that the Germans are even moving troops from the Russian front for the offensive.

- Friday, July 9, 1915
- On the advice of the Prime Minister, the Governor General has ordered that Canada's expeditionary force is to be increased to 150,000 men and maintained at that level.

- Total Canadian casualties approach ten thousand, with 1,639 killed and 6,458 wounded.

- The sad tale of the demise of Mr. John Smart, found floating in the Gorge in Victoria.

- Saturday, July 10, 1915
- The war of words between the United States and Germany over the sinking of the Lusitania continues. The Germans issue an unapologetic reply blaming the situation on Britain, citing British action in the North Sea as precedent, and blaming the death toll on the Lusitania on it sinking unusually quickly due the damage from the torpedo strike being exacerbated by munitions being carried by the ship.

- German Southwest Africa [Namibia] surrenders to General Botha of the Union of South Africa.

- The French Relief Society tallies the total casualties of the war up to June 1st as 2,282,300 killed, 4,837,510 wounded and 1,705,000 taken prisoner or missing.

- Sunday, July 11, 1915
- The American counter-response the latest German note that waits on President Wilson. It is speculated that if the Germans continue to refuse to pay reparations that the United States may be forced to sever diplomatic relations with Germany.

- Map of German Southwest Africa with the caption "Now Added to British Empire---German South-West Africa"

- Monday, July 12, 1915
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