The Daily Colonist, July 7, 1915
Tue, 2015/08/04 - 10:31pm
« previous next »#dailycolonist1915 - The news out of Victoria, British Columbia, 100 years ago:
- Wednesday, July 7, 1915
- The news of the human cost of the Gallipoli Penninsula landings is finally revealed, "In several instances half of the landing parties were killed or wounded before they could even reach the slight shelter afforded by the sandy bank"; "The Turks had turned the landing places into death traps. There were wire entanglements the whole length of the shore, with a supplementary barbed wire network concealed beneath the surface of the sea..."; "77 officers killed, 1,990 men killed; 412 offices and 7,807 men wounded; 17 officers and 2,580 men missing."

- The gruesome death of Mr. Wilfred F. Miller, Proprietor of the Goldstream Hotel, in a car crash on the Malahat Drive. "Mr. Miller's head was so badly crushed that death must have been virtually instantaneous." Two other passengers and the driver survived with relatively minor injuries. The car was travelling at 15 mph when it skidded off the road and overturned two or three times.