The Daily Colonist, April 27–May 3, 1915
Sun, 2015/05/03 - 12:03pm
« previous next »#dailycolonist1915 - News out of Victoria, British Columbia, 100 years ago:
The news this week continues to be dominated by the German gas attack at Ypres and the Canadian counter-attack that stopped the German advance, and by the on-going attack by British forces (mostly from Australia and New Zealand) on Ottoman forces in the Dardanelles near Gallipoli. The news from the Dardanelles is somewhat disturbing in its vagueness. Praise is heaped upon Canadians for holding the line at Ypres, but the cost becomes nauseatingly apparent as the week wears on...
- Tuesday, April 27, 1915
There are a large number of stories rehashing the battle at Ypres and news from the Dardanelles is mostly pushed to the side, but what there is from Gallipoli is disturbing.
- Front page image of a battleship and the British Imperial commander of the Dardanelles Command [with the usual beautiful hand-drawn borders and captions.]

- A disturbing article detailing that off-shore shelling of the forts along the Dardanelles have not been as successful as originally thought. The forts are largely intact and the implication is that the Turks have simply retreated to the even stronger forts closer to Constantinople. The reports from last week of hundreds of thousands of soldiers entrenched to defend the peninsula jive with this.

- Article on the German gas attack praises Canadians and damns the Germans. There are several other articles similar to this one.

- An article summarizing recent events states that there is a certain anxiety regarding the larger German plans behind the attack at Ypres and these are overshadowing events in the Dardanelles. One of the sub-headlines says, "Admiralty Announces Success in Landing Troops on the Gallipoli Peninsula" but the content of the article on this subject is brief, vague, and speaks of "serious opposition".

- The second page has the longest list of Canadian casualties since the beginning of the war. A list that is normally about ⅛–¼ of a column is well over two columns.

- Wednesday, April 28, 1915
- "Further Lists of Casualties" from Ypres on the front page, again over two columns long.

- Picture of the Commander of the ground forces at the Dardanelles, General Sir Ian Hamilton [with the usual beautiful hand-drawn embellishments and caption] accompanying an article on the attack, "Hard Fighting in Difficult Country" says one of the headlines. British and French reports claim a successful landing (implying, but not stating, that a beach-head has been established), but the article also includes a Turkish reports that claims "Our losses have been insignificant" and that the enemy has been forced to retreat.

- Thursday, April 29, 1915
- "Casualty List Grows Longer": another two columns of Canadian casualties at Ypres on the front page.

- Another article on the Dardanelles where the British report claims that although "The Turks have made considerable preparations to hamper out landings" a beach-head has been established on the Gallipoli Peninsula, but also includes German and Turkish reports that contradict the British claims of gains.

- An article [unfortunately not completely readable because of a bad scan] about doctors examining the effects of the German gas attack on allied soldier. Essentially, he irritation caused by the gas caused the men to drown in their own lung fluid, sometimes hours or even days later.

- A little bit of good news, the Dominion Government is calling for tenders for the construction of the astronomical observatory on Little Saanich Mountain now that that province has completed the road.

- Friday, April 30, 1915
- Another two-plus columns of Canadian casualties from Ypres on the front page, "Further Rolls of Casualties", plus pictures of some of the local men that are on the list and an article about the local men.

- British and French reports from the Dardanelles claim advances are being made and thousands of Turks have been taken prisoner. "Fighting is Severe" states a sub-heading.

- Saturday, May 1, 1915
- Yet another two-plus columns of Canadian casualties from Ypres. More pictures of local men on the list, and another article about local men on the casualty list. Another headlines read "Little Change on Ypres Front" and "Hearty Praise for Canadians".

- Article on German aerial attacks on the Suffolk coast, including a Zeppelin bombing of Ipswitch.

- Sunday, May 2, 1915
- Still another two full columns of additional Canadian casualties from Ypres on the front page.

- [Unfortunately most of this paper is unreadably blurry and dark]

- Monday, May 3, 1915
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