Sing to the tune of "Pink Elephants on Parade":
Look out! Look out!
Your ignorance on parade
Here it comes
Tippity Tappity
It's here and there
Your ignorance on parade
Look out! Look out!
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Clickity Clackity
The "point" that you just made?
...Your ignorance on parade.
What'll I do? What'll I do?
What "unusual" views...
...repeating what they said on Fox News.
And defending misogynist "dudes"
With language pedantic and rude?
It's really too much for me.
I'm not the type to faint
When things are odd or things
Are quaint,
But waving your ignorance flag
Then saying "it's only a gag"...
It's not right
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Don't be a troll, stupid and droll!
Your ignorance on parade
Ignorance on parade
Ignorance on parade