Once again I have been been ordered to create a Christmas wish-list, mostly for
Elaine's benefit...
- Dress shirts - 17" or 17½" neck, 33/34 sleeve
- Dress pants: 34" waist, 33" inseam or unhemmed
- Silk, satin, or similar boxer shorts, medium
- Ties for work
- A used medium-format camera that uses 120 film (this Yashica or something like it would be awesome, or something like this Soviet monster, or a really cool folding one like this). The only critera here are that it take 120 film and have some way of working with flash (hot-shoe or sync socket, it doesn't matter). 6x4.5 (645), 6x6 or 6x9 are all OK.
- Gift certificates for Leo's or Vistek
- Decent dress-socks that are long enough to go over the calf
- A new wallet (black, of course)
- Opus gift-certificates
- Pre-matted, black frames of pretty much any size for 4"x 6" and up
On the expensive side:
- A 22"-wide or larger monitor
- Adobe Lightroom 2 (Windows, full version)
- Sigma 30mm f/1.4 lens for Olympus 4/3 (eg: here and here)
I can dream:
- A new medium-format camera like a Mamiya 645AFD or Hasselblad H1
- A medium-format digital back for the afrementioned camera
- A Smart-Car
- A place downtown big enough to have a workshop and a studio
- Adobe CS4 (Windows, full version: Design Standard, Design Premium, Web Premium, or Master Collection)
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