I'm sitting in the passport office, waiting to see an "examiner". It is remeniscent of the closing scene in Beetlejuice. I wouldn't be surprised if the guy beside me knows how to shrink heads.
I skipped out of work to do this. The passport is so I can proceed with my Australian immigration, although in another year and half it will be require to go to the U.S. as well. Either way, it's about time I got one.
Why must government waiting rooms always be so dismal? It doesn't seem to matter which governmant it happens to be, either. It's like there is an international standard that applies to all levels of government.
All the require players are present as well: the increacingly imaptient running/screaming infant and apologetic mother; the shrill women nattering in a foreign language; the surly clerks manning only 10% of the available wickets...
Oringinal post: http://mbarrick.livejournal.com/620128.html