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The "Copyright Infringement" meme

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As done by numerous friends...
  1. go to Google
  2. click on the "images" tab
  3. type in your answers to each question, and click search
  4. answer with the first available picture you get back

place you grew up:

This is, in fact, the main street of the town I grew up in. The brown building on the corner with the angled corner windows used to be the Eaton's. I've been in every building you see here and chances are at least one person visible in the picture is a relative. I rented my tux for grad from Charlie Onn's on the right. I've even climbed the mountain in the background. There's not much to do in Duncan.

place you live now:

That's Vancouver, alright.

fav. cartoon:

I think only bitogoth will know why this came up.

fav. food:

Cookie Monster is my official totem animal.

fav drink:

What else?

fav song:

lady_maleficent knows playing this is a sure-fire way to get me to bounce around like a tard.

fav. smell:

My cats fear the threat, "I'm going to sniff your head!" second only to, "I'm going to eat your head!"

fav. shoes:

I'd be pleased with this collection.

first car:

I'd really like to have one of these again. I loved this car. Even after that time the jack gave out and I got squished under it...

Bonus points for anyone who even knows what this is. You don't see these every day, that's for sure.

grandma's name:

Nothing came up for her full name, So I just used her first name. The biggest problem with "West Side Story" is at the end where he is running through Spanish Haarlem yelling "Maria" and only one woman looks... Bet you didn't know I'm part Spanish.

my name:

When I google my name an utter crap load of images that I made come up. This is one from my trip to Chicago for Convergence 10 last year.

Oringinal post: