What does this mean for the future business plans of LiveJournal?
We feel that there's a lot of synergy between our two companies and we both benefit from this relationship by bringing a lot of value-add to the table. By focusing on our core competencies we can continue to provide robust, turn-key, industry-leading solutions while also lowering Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) to our valued clients.(P.S. The above is all gibberish. Any time I hear any of those words I completely fall asleep and attempt to eat off my own ears. Six Apart did not say any of those words to me.)
I've heard far, far too much of this bullcrap lately. It's inspirational to see that marketing weasels and Dilbertism hasn't completely taken over the world just yet.
Oringinal post: http://mbarrick.livejournal.com/575278.html