I had fun last night at Skank. Said fun was on the assumption that, today being a holiday and all, I could comfortably sleep until noon and have a nice relaxing day. Unfortunately today is not a holiday in the U.S. and God forbid a Canadian company should fail to kowtow to the almighty American dollar and honour one of our own statutory holidays. I got to bed at 4 a.m. and the phone rang at 8 a.m. because people working today weren't getting external e-mail. FUUUUUUUCK. I tried to ignore the call and go back to sleep, but found the adrenalin rush from the wave of anger that swept over me preventing me from getting back to sleep. Sometime around 9:30 a.m. I did manage to nod off again, only to have work call again at 9:45.
H - 0 - L - I - D - A - Y for fuck's sake. No one is going to die because they can get 2x4's put on a rail car today. I remoted in and couldn't see the problem. But on four hours' sleep with a hangover I'm not exactly at my best. Not seeing the problem I got myself into work (in jeans and a t-shirt-- I couldn't be arsed to put on a proper shirt and tie) and went in to find it was nothing more than the SMTP service being stopped on the server. I hadn't noticed this when I remoted in or I could have restarted the service from home. So now I am not only pissed off at work but kicking myself for being a dumbass. I started the the damn service and dealt with a few other dumbass luser problems while I was there and then bugged out. I couldn't be arsed to figure out how the service got stopped in the first place, but I will check the logs tomorrow. My intent this weekend was to relax, rest, and shrug off work. So here it is, halfway through the holiday Monday and I am instead pissed off and exhausted thanks to work. *snarl*
If I wanted to sacrifice my personal time, live in a constant state of sleep deprivation, and be perpetually annoyed at (and by) lusers I'd go back to consulting. I don't want my job to be my life anymore. It's bad enough that I've been coming home too bagged to actually have a life for the last couple months, but auuugggh! to have my birthday long weekend fucked up and effectively voided (I've got a nice big stress knot in my upper back now and my eyes feel dry enough to crack and bleed) pisses me off to no end. I'm too tired to post anything witty about it. Mostly I just feel like uttering a long string of expletives and going out and breaking someone's knees.