Victoria D G Regina et Ind Imp
Mon, 2004/05/24 - 5:01pm
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I've been trying very hard to relax this weekend, as oxymorinc as that my sound. Work has been wiping me out mentally. The apartment being in shambles with the never-ending renovations means that instead of being able to shrug off the stress, anger, and frustrations built up at work when I get home I instead have another batch of the same to pile on top. It's left me with no patience, no tolerance for anything even the slightest bit annoying, no energy left for anything creative, and no desire to do anything even remotely resembling work. So thanks to Queen Victoria and the leftover Empire tradition that gives us this long weekend for me to try and shrug this off, and try and find that place in myself that wants to make beauty rather than bludgeon sense into everyone whittling away at it.
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