Tue, 2004/05/18 - 12:53pm
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I first noticed this a few months ago but, although it was amusing, thought that it might have been a mistake by a novice truck driver. Now that I've seen it happen more than once I am sure it is not a mistake. The apartment across the alley from us has, like many apartments in Vancouver and elsewhere, two dumpsters: one for general trash and one for the recycling of cardboard and paper. Of course the the cardboard bin has the usual notices on it about not putting in things like pizza boxes and other unrecyclable cardboard. Likewise the general trash dumpster has the usual notice about no cardboard.
Both dumpsters get dumped into the same bin in the same truck and all the trash goes in the same pile. My advice: Next time you are spending time sorting your garbage like a dutiful granola, maybe find out where it ends up before wasting your time and effort.
Oringinal post: http://mbarrick.livejournal.com/506089.html