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[Gothic BC] Important changes to the list

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The GothicBC YahooGroup's days are numbered. This is a good thing.

When the Gothic BC group was set up in November 2000 it was on a service called eGroups, which even longer ago used to be called OneList. OneList/eGroups were relatively ad-free and quite friendly to use. Then Yahoo bought them around about September 2001. People were not happy. There was much confusion about converting accounts to Yahoo, and the advertising became much more intrusive. Since then it's only gotten worse with more ads and features being revoked.

Well, no more. I was lamenting this issue with Avi a couple weeks ago and he has very kindly set up a listserv on his machine. For the past week I've been fiddling around getting the interface to match the rest of the Gothic BC website (something I could never do with Yahoo) and making a comprehensive archive on my own server, also integrated with the website. It's all done now and I am ready to start moving people over to the new site.

One you are moved over you will receive a welcome message telling you how to get at your settings and the new address to post to, not that any of it is terribly difficult. The website for the list is linked off the Gothic BC homepage ( and the new address(es) are simple - mail to either or Be sure to update your address book after you receive the welcome message.

As I convert people over I will do my best to maintain settings such as who receives the daily-digest, who gets every e-mail, etc. There are 196 members to convert, so I apologise in advance if I make any mistakes.

In the interim, existing members can still post to the YahooGroup and all

messages to the Yahoo group and the new group are being stored in the

unified archive at but I won't be

approving any new members to the Yahoo group.

Yahoo can blow me ;-)

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