First best friend: Gavin
First real memory of something: Looking waaaaay up the stairs in our house at about 10 or 11 months old.
First date: Would your believe going to see Dizzy Gillespe?
First meaningful kiss: Dana. Gavin kissed her twin sister Donna... or was it the other way around?
First break-up: Christine
First Job: For my Dad's shop
First screen name: Renato
First self-purchased album: Siouxsie and the Banshees, the Scream
First funeral: My father.
First piercing/tattoo: n/a
First credit card: Eatons. I am
First true love: ♥
First enemy: Bert Van Sheik
First big trip: Drumheller in 1969
Last big car ride: Vancouver, BC to Eugene, OR
Last kiss: about 10 minutes ago
Last good cry: Boys Don't Cry
Last movie: Star Trek: Nemesis
Last beverage: Mango, Sprite and Rum - because my arm hurts.
Last food eaten: One of my mutant stir-fries.
Last crush: I got crushed under a Volkswagen when the jack gave out. That's all you're getting.
Last phone call: A dead line three hours ago.
Last tv show: A Simpson's Hallowe'en Episode. The one where Bart is "The Fly"
Last shower: This morning
Last shoes: 'Vogs
Last cd played: Fictional
Last item bought: A new heater
Last annoyance: Current. My aching arm.
Last soda: I don't drink soda. I drink pop
Last ice cream: Yesterday. Neopolitan. And if Naples is the "New City" (neo polis) just how old is the old city?
Last time scolded: Just over a year ago, by someone who had no business to do so, over something I knew nothing about.
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