False Alarm Lights Fire Under my Ass.
Thu, 2003/06/05 - 11:37am
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Just as I was about to leave for work the fire alarm went off in the building. It only rang for a moment and shut off so I presumed it was a false alarm, but was a bit nervous nonetheless. Since I can see the building from work I decided to head in to the office. I was reassured as I got outside by the fact there was no smoke coming out of the building (
Sandi and
Nicholas can tell you all about how much smoke there was from
the fire). However, when I was about half-way along the block two fire-engines came tearing down Georgia and stopped in front of the building. I turned around and went back. I stuck around until I was assured by one of the firemen that it was in-fact a false alarm: one of the plumbers set off the alarm with a welding torch.
So with the adrenaline rush fading into nausea I headed into work. After about an hour of answering e-mails and attending to the usual collection of morning "fires" I decided to call Elaine to see about finishing off getting our apartment insurance. I figured we would have to make an appointment or something but she managed to get it finished it by phone, so now our apartment is finally properly insured for fire, water damage, theft, and such. Yes, we procrastinated on this for too long, but now it is done and I'm glad.
Oringinal post: http://mbarrick.livejournal.com/379339.html