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Canadian Tire, London Drugs, Indigo, A&B Sound, Petrocan, The Bay...

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"Buy Nothing Day" is American. The day after Thanksgiving is the busiest shopping day of the year in the States because the stores are open but everyone who can (i.e. people who don't have crap retail jobs) takes the day off. The busiest shopping day of the year is, of course, the target for Buy Nothing Day, but today is just another day in Canada. Participating in it, IMHO, is succumbing to American cultural imperialism in a worse way than buying something. So how about this: Buy Canadian Day.

The companies above are just some of the biggies... just make it Canadian. A "Made in Canada" product from an American store would be good, too. Or how about renting a Canadian made film (and I don't mean something shot in Canada by an American studio, but something really Canadian)? How about a CD by a Canadian musician, printed in Canada by a Canadian company from a Canadian music store?

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