They have both kinds of music here...
Tue, 2002/11/05 - 10:18pm
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I'm in Williams Lake again today. Ordinarily I would be enjoying the novelty, but this time around I would just much rather be home. After everything that has happened in the last month the last place I want to be is a cheezy hotel hundreds of miles from home. I'm bored out of my freaking mind. Giving training sessions is dull as dirt. One is OK, but repeating the same lesson over and over is not exactly exciting. On the plus side, the weather was more cooperative this time and I got a couple of potentially interesting aerial shots. I can't upload them right now because I forgot the cable for my camera.
On that note, I did kind of enjoy the flight. It's fun being just on the edge of weird. I'm there on business like most everyone else on the plane. I have my laptop under the seat and business cards in my pocket. But I'm the one all in black. And instead of reading the paper like everyone else I'm reading a classical discourse on beauty and keeping an eye on the window to make images of mist and ravines.
And now I find out that Elaine had an accident at work. Can I go home now?
And who all is coming to my rescheduled, post-fire housewarming this Friday?
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