Being downtown again is great. I timed my walk to work again this morning and from my apartment door to my desk it was six minutes. For dinner I called over to the White Spot just of the street and picked up a cheeseburger platter. Once again everything I need and want is well within walking distance. As much as I love having a car for when I want it, I despise needing it.
BC Tel (ack! old habit, Telus called me today and informed me that I'm not going to need an installer to come out after all so my phone here is going to be hooked up tomorrow. I still don't know what my IP address are going to be, but it only affects one client and in the very worst case I can live without their hosting fee. In other pleasant news I can smoke in my apartment again. I think I will be reviving my weekend cigar ritual once my income exceeds my expenses again. In fact I am sitting here with a cigarette as I type this listening to the cars go by on Georgia, the fountains outside my window, and no one is line-dancing on my head, playing techno through the walls or anything. Just the relaxing sounds of the city. All around me are skyscrapers and energy yet I am happy in my quiet piece of the 19th century typing on my laptop. One foot in the 19th century, one in the 21st... It suits me and I like it.
But really the very best part of the day is the fact I have a dinner and Sin City date next Saturday with a beautiful and talented woman whose lifestyle is way more in line with mine. I won't be jumping in with both feet any time soon, but lets hear it for cautious wading :-)
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