Almost forgot to mention this
Tue, 2002/07/30 - 1:25am
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As I was leaving the office today some lunatic on a bicycle, pulling a shopping cart along with his left hand crossed Thurlow. He starting circling in front of my building cawing like a crow. I'm pretty sure it wasn't Reptard (no combat pants or hat) but can't be certain because he was wearing a respirator mask, hose attached and running down into the shopping cart. There was a rubber skeleton attached to the front of the shopping cart. Does anyone know if Purple's hair is currently (badly) died blue? Other than a passing "what a fuck-head" glance I didn't really pay that much attention.
If this had happened in a movie it would surely be a movie by David Lynch. If I had dreamt this I would be going on about what a strange dream it was.
Oringinal post: