Oh, my! I considered taking my camera to work with me today and now I regret not having had it with me on the ride home. I stopped off and visited
sleeplessknight at the Lonsdale Quay and caught the bus home. Just as the bus was leaving a family boarded, a bonerack of a man with a palsy shake carrying two mismatched suitcases dressed in blue jeans and a plaid shirt, an overweight, balding woman with coke-bottle glasses in a blue mu-mu with an old-lady push cart, and the slackest of slack-jawed teenagers wearing a black t-shirt with some illegible tag-style logo in white. They spoke in thick southern accents. They had the look of having been wading in a very shallow gene-pool for quite some time. Really. Several people evacuated the front seats to get clear of them. The only phrase that can really do futher honour to the magnitude of this horrible spectacle would be, "You can't keep a Peacock down."